How to Two-Hand in Elden Ring- Easy Step With Short key and Guide [2024]

How to Two-Hand in Elden Ring

How to Two-Hand in Elden Ring: A Comprehensive Guide

In Elden Ring, you’ll prepare two distinctive combat hardware to your primary (right) hand and off (cleared out) hand, permitting you to strike with weapons, cast spells, fire bows, and piece with shields. Be that as it may, it’s conceivable to two-hand a weapon in Elden Ring to extend your control, actuate diverse weapon abilities, and handle things like bows.

Table of Contents

Why Two-Hand a Weapon?

How to Two-Hand in Elden Ring
Elden Ring

Two-handing a weapon in Elden Ring isn’t close to looking cool—there are a few viable benefits:

  • Increased Damage:  When using a weapon in two hands, it’ll cause more harm.
  • Reduced Requirements:  Two-handing a weapon somewhat diminishes its quality prerequisites, permitting you to utilize a weapon you might not be able to use viably with one hand.
  • Weapon Skills:  This guarantees that the weapon ability you utilize will be from the chosen weapon you’re two-handing, instead of repelling or casting spells together with your off-hand.

How to Two-Hand a Weapon


  1. Hold the Y button.
  2. Press the attack button for the armament you wish to use in two hands (RB for right-hand weapons, LB for left-hand weapons).


  1. Hold the Triangle button.
  2. Press the attack button for the armament you wish to use in two hands (R1 for right-hand weapons, L1 for left-hand weapons).


  1. Hold the E key.
  2. Press the attack button for the weapon you would like to utilize in two hands (Right-click for right-hand weapons, Left-click for left-hand weapons).

When done accurately, this will move your chosen weapons into both hands, putting the other on your back until you employ the same strategy to switch back to utilizing two different armaments.

Two-Handing While Riding Torrent

When riding on Deluge, your trusty horse, you’ll consequently wield your right-hand weapon in both hands. This allows you to strike on either side of your mount depending on in case you press the cleared-out or right bumper/trigger.

Specific Controls for Two-Handing

PlayStation (PS4/PS5)

  • Two-Hand Right Weapon: Hold Triangle + R1/R2.
  • Two-Hand Left Weapon: Hold Triangle + L1/L2.


  • Two-Hand Right Weapon: Hold Y + RB/RT.
  • Two-Hand Left Weapon: Hold Y + LB/LT.


  • Two-Hand Right Weapon: Hold E + Right-click.
  • Two-Hand Left Weapon: Hold E + Left-click.

Pressing the same buttons again switches back to one-handed use of the weapon. This allows you to quickly switch between the two modes.

Advantages of Two-Handing

  • Compensates for Lack of Strength:  If you drop possibly underneath the quality esteem required to use a weapon, you’ll still utilize it proficiently with both hands.
  • Deals More Damage: A two-handed hit will always drain more HP from your opponent.
  • Reduced Equipment Weight:  If you two-hand your weapon, you have no free hand and so don’t require a shield, permitting you to equip heavier armor pieces.

Disadvantages of Two-Handing

  • No Shield or Torch: Without an additional free hand, you can’t use a shield or torch.
  • Slower Attack Animations: Two-handed attack animations are usually a little slower as your character puts more power into the strike.
  • Increased Dependency on Dodging: Without a shield, you are more dependent on the timing of your dodge rolls.
  • Partial Blocking:  You’ll be able to block with a two-handed weapon, but you may still take a little harm compared to a shield with 100% physical defense harm resistance.

How to Two-Hand Bows and Crossbows

Bows and crossbows operate differently:

  • Bows:  You have to wield a bow with two hands by default. Whereas you’ll technically hold the bow with one hand, it invalidates being able to use it viably.
  • Crossbows:  Can be operated and reloaded with one hand or both hands. Using it with both hands allows you to aim and zoom.


Elden Ring’s differing collection of weapons awards you the capacity to test until you nail down a playstyle that suits you best. Numerous deadly implements can be used as one-handed or two-handed weapons. Knowing when to utilize such items one way or the other is significant when advancing through the game’s gigantic open world.

Whether you’re compensating for a need for strength, aiming for expanded harm, or essentially looking to alternate your combat fashion, two-handing a weapon is an important procedure. Fair keep in mind the trade-offs and hone your timing to maximize your viability in battle. Happy adventuring in the Lands Between.

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