Alan Wake 2 How Long To Beat- Check It Out

alan wake 2 how long to beat

Alan Wake 2: How Long to Beat?

With the release of Alan Wake 2, fans of the psychological thriller genre are eagerly diving into the eerie world crafted by Remedy Entertainment. If you’re wondering how much time you’ll need to invest to see Alan Wake 2 through to the end, you’re in the right place. Here’s a breakdown of the game’s length, depending on how you choose to play.

Main Story

For those focused primarily on the core storyline, Alan Wake 2 offers a compelling and immersive experience that typically takes around 12-15 hours to complete. This duration assumes that players are following the main narrative path, engaging with key story missions, and not spending too much time on side activities or exploration.

Completionist Run

If you’re a completionist who loves uncovering every secret and completing all side quests, Alan Wake 2 provides plenty of additional content to keep you engaged. Exploring every nook and cranny, collecting all hidden items, and experiencing every side story can extend your playtime significantly. On average, a completionist run might take anywhere from 20 to 25 hours, depending on your playstyle and thoroughness.

Casual Playthrough

For players who enjoy taking their time, soaking in the atmospheric environments, and occasionally getting sidetracked by the game’s numerous side activities, a more relaxed playthrough can last between 15 to 20 hours. This approach allows you to experience the game at a leisurely pace, savoring its rich narrative and chilling ambiance.

Replay Value

Alan Wake 2 also boasts considerable replay value. With its intricate plot and multiple endings, many players find themselves returning to the game to explore different choices and outcomes. If you’re aiming to see all possible endings, you can expect to add several more hours to your total playtime.

Tips to Maximize Your Experience

  • Explore Thoroughly: The world of Alan Wake 2 is rich with details and hidden lore. Take your time to explore the off-the-beaten path to uncover additional story elements and collectibles.
  • Engage with Side Quests: Completing side quests not only extends your playtime but also enhances your understanding of the game’s universe and characters.
  • Adjust Difficulty: If you’re looking for a challenge or a more relaxed experience, adjust the game’s difficulty settings to suit your playstyle. This can affect your overall playtime as well.


Whether you’re in it for the gripping main story or the full completionist experience, Alan Wake 2 offers a captivating journey through a nightmarish landscape that will keep you on the edge of your seat. With an average playtime ranging from 12 to 25 hours, it provides a satisfying mix of narrative depth and replayability. Dive in, embrace the darkness, and enjoy your time in Bright Falls.


1. How long does it take to beat Alan Wake 2 if I focus only on the main story?

For players concentrating solely on the main story, Alan Wake 2 typically takes about 12-15 hours to complete. This estimate assumes you are primarily following the main narrative without engaging much in side activities.

2. How much time should I expect to spend if I aim for 100% completion?

If you are a completionist aiming to uncover every secret, complete all side quests, and collect all hidden items, you can expect to spend around 20-25 hours playing Alan Wake 2.

3. Is there replay value in Alan Wake 2?

Yes, Alan Wake 2 offers significant replay value with its intricate plot and multiple endings. Players often return to explore different choices and outcomes, adding several more hours to the overall playtime.

4. Can I adjust the game’s difficulty to change my playtime?

You can adjust the difficulty settings in Alan Wake 2 to suit your preferred playstyle. Playing on a harder difficulty might extend your playtime due to increased challenges, while a lower difficulty could result in a quicker playthrough.

5. Can any side quests or additional content extend my playtime?

Absolutely! Engaging in side quests and exploring off-the-beaten paths can significantly extend your playtime. These activities add hours to your gameplay and enrich your understanding of the game’s universe and characters.

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